Tác phẩm Enver Hoxha

  • Speeches (1961–1962). The '8 Nëntori' Publishing House, Tirana 1977.
  • Speeches and articles (1963–1964). The '8 Nëntori' Publishing House, Tirana 1977.
  • Speeches, conversations and articles (1965–1966). The '8 Nëntori' Publishing House, Tirana 1977.
  • Speeches, conversations and articles (1967–1968). The '8 Nëntori' Publishing House, Tirana 1978.
  • Speeches, conversations and articles (1969–1970). The '8 Nëntori' Publishing House, Tirana 1980.
  • Selected works. 6 Volumes, The '8 Nëntori' Publishing House, Tirana 1974–1987.
  • Reflections on China. 2 Volumes, The '8 Nëntori' Publishing House, Tirana 1979.
  • Two Friendly Peoples. The '8 Nëntori' Publishing House, Tirana 1985.
  • The Superpowers. The '8 Nëntori' Publishing House, Tirana 1986.

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